Aron Lee
Aron came to know Christ as his Lord and Savior during his freshman year in high school. It was through the prayer and support of his friends that attended Cornerstone that he was able to come to know God. His walk with Christ became more serious in his freshman year in college. There, various doors of ministry were opened to him. His biggest passion of servanthood has been through the leadership ministry. Currently he serves as a church elder and assists in leading worship with the band ministry. He has previously served in the youth ministry for 9 years and has currently sponsored the college ministry for the past 12 years. Aron and his wife, Katrina, both head the ushering and hosting ministry. He is joyfully sharing his love for God with his wife and their three children, Kailyn, Noah, and Cory.
Ebrahim Chou
Ebrahim (EB) accepted Jesus Christ and began his relationship with the Lord in his youth. After graduating from high school, God gave opportunities for EB to serve in various ministries in the past 3 decades: high school reach-out, high school and college fellowship, and college Sunday School teacher. Through these ministries, he has been devoted to Christian discipleship and mentorship. Daily, he strives to know God more intimately and to make HIM known. He is currently serving as a member of Board of Elders. EB and his wife, Suzanne, have two sons and one godson.
Donald Chew
Donald was born and raised in San Francisco. He has been part of Cornerstone since he was a kid. He
dedicated his life in his youth, but did not really take it seriously until college when faced with many life decisions. In 2018, he was given the opportunity to serve at a church plant at CTX. Currently, he is there now serving as part of the leadership and elder at CTX. He is looking to serve God and the people under his care. Donald is currently serving with his wife and two children at CTX.